About Me

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy." 
Psalm 30:11
Hi, my name is Anna Crew (it's a double name). I am from South Carolina and a college student living in Charleston. I live a glamourous life of eating almond butter out of the jar while doing homework, and trying to make a blog (yes, sometimes all at once). I am a vegetarian who recently just started eating fish. I love making healthy recipes and sometimes just plain sugary sweets. I love my family ( I am number 5 of 6 children), cooking and baking, and I love to shop for a good deal and an occasional splurge (okay, maybe not so occasional). My daily goal is to find joy in the ordinary through delicious foods, party planning, and casual walks around the beautiful city I get to live in. I hope my blogs inspires you to find joy in your ordinary and hopefully will give you ideas for cooking, crafting, and buying.
Anna Crew 
Also, I love my Boston Terrier, Bubba. 

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