Friday, May 30, 2014

My loved and cherished Granny.

As this summer truly begins with the passing of memorial day, my blogging for the summer will soon take off. This summer began differently than expected as my sweet Granny passed away just two weeks ago. My heart aches and my eyes fill with tears as I write this post. Granny did not lose her battle to cancer but fought until the end and WON because she now is rejoicing eternally with our Heavenly Father. I could sit here for hours and list my favorite memories and stories about my Granny but instead I will share one moment and one precious little gift I have to remember this lady who my heart longs to be with again. 
Granny getting her pedicure. 
 In february, Granny was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and began chemo soon after that. On my spring break, in the beginning of march, I was home and took her to get a pedicure. I helped her to the car, got her to the nail salon and watched her get a pedicure while I got one too. My eyes filled with tears when I looked over and saw her eyes softly closed and her face relaxed as she got her stubborn, worn out feet cleaned and rubbed. The woman giving her the pedicure had no idea what she was doing in that moment, but as I looked on I saw a beautiful lady losing her hair and her strength to an awful illness have a moment of complete peace and relaxation. It's in recalling this moment that I see the goodness of the Lord and that even in this nasty illness she had many moments of peace and relaxation like this one. I believe God gave her moments like this with my cousins, mom, aunts and uncles to show to us all that one day (sooner than we expected) she would be in heaven and those little glimpses of peace, relaxation, and joy are now permanent. 

My Granny's cameo. 
Lastly, 3 years ago my Granny gave me  her cameo that was her grandmothers. On the day of my Granny's funeral it was the only jewelry I wore. This cameo is the first piece of jewelry in my life that I will hold onto and never let go of. It is not because it is worth a ton of money but because it is from my granny a woman who knew and loved her children and grandchildren so well. She gave us all gifts perfect for who we are whether they were time or special trinkets. We will all hold on tightly to these gifts and never let go. So, thank you, granny for the gifts of all kinds that you gave your 5 children, 16 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, they will be cherished and held onto tightly until we rejoice along side you in heaven.

Anna Crew 

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