Monday, April 7, 2014

Oh boy, It's Joy! My first friend feature.

This is my first feature on my blog and I couldn't think of a better person. Joy (in the pic on the left) is one of best friends in college. Her name sums her up perfectly as she brings joy to so many people. Thankful for this sweet friend who shares my love for gift giving and crafting. Enjoy this little recipe box she made and make one of your own. Thanks, Joy for letting me share.
Anna Crew 

Here is the precious, little recipe box. 
 She painted the inside and outside of the box and cut card stock for the recipe cards so they would fit perfectly inside. 

 All you need is paint which are less than a dollar each, a stamp and ink pad, paint brush, and a plain wooden craft box. All of this can be found at your local Michael's, Hobby Lobby, or JoAnn's. This craft is super cheap but a great idea for a gift or for your own kitchen. 

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